Wednesday the 31st of March, 2004
nine years
31 de marzo, miercoles
nueve aņos sin ella
I would first of all like to say, I wish i had more on this site currently to make it a more worth while visit. Although I do encourage you to go to the links page and click on the Q-Productions link, to visit the official site. Please check back over the next few days as i will be adding as much as I can daily to the site. Pictures and Biography are among the top things on my list. I appreciate that you took the time to come here today. Thank you.
It's extremely hard to believe that it's been nine years already without Selena. The kindness that she showed to everyone through her amazingly good heart, is a rare thing to find in the world these days. You can only wonder and imagine what the world would be like today, if she were still here. It's as if even the world itself would be a better place, if she were here with us.
The Quintanilla family, at Q-productions are always finding a way to keep Selena's music alive and have successfully continued to do so now, nine years later. Releasing remixes, greatest hits albums, the 20 years of music collection, momentos intimos (including never before released song, puede ser) and now sus inicios vol. 1 & 2 which are the earlier songs released by Selena.